Lovaton Boarding Cattery, Launceston

Lovaton Boarding Cattery | Cornwall | PL Postcodes | PL15 7JF

Lovaton Boarding Cattery

Lovaton Boarding Cattery

Lovaton, Daws House, Launceston
Cornwall, PL15 7JF

Contact : 01566 778501

Website : http://www.lovatoncattery.co.uk/

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Cattery Description

Lovaton Boarding Cattery is located in peaceful rural surroundings close to Launceston in Cornwall, not far from the Devon border. Overlooking the surrounding countryside, the cattery is brand new, with purpose built cattery accommodation, exceeding all standards of cat care. The cat chalets are PVCu units, with each chalet having an individual run opening onto a safety passage. Inside the chalets there are fully insulated penthouse sleeping facilities, with a thermostatically controlled radiator in each sleeping compartment. All units are double chalets enabling two or more cats from the same home to be housed together, and two chalets can be made into one unit allowing up to six cats to be housed together comfortably.

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